Leader in the multi-family cabinet/ quartz counter top industry

The Benefits of LED Mirrors

If the bathroom vanities in your apartment complex or hotel are looking dreary, LED mirrors could be the perfect solution. Adding a lighted mirror not only makes personal care routines easier but also provides a unique sense of style that can be customized to your chosen aesthetic. Here’s a look at some of the benefits LED lighted mirrors can offer your commercial space.

Lower Energy Costs

LED is an extremely energy-efficient lighting technology that uses at least 75% less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs. So by ditching the light fixtures and mirrors in your facility’s bathrooms and swapping them out for LED mirrors, you’re upgrading in both appearance and energy efficiency. This means lower electricity costs for you and your tenants, and you can feel good knowing that you’re doing the earth a favor too. 

Long-Lasting Lights

Most LED lighted mirrors last at least 10 years, all without ever having to change a single lightbulb. Can you imagine how much money you’d save on lightbulbs in each of your units over the course of 10 years? Your maintenance team and property managers will be grateful for fewer calls about burned-out lightbulbs, too. 

Varying Color Temperatures

You can find mirrors with a variety of brightness and color temperatures so the lighting can be suited to your space. This also makes personal grooming and makeup application easier, since the lighting can be adjusted to closely resemble natural light. As an added bonus, the lights being integrated into the mirror make it so that there are so weird shadows on faces. Sayonara, missed spots while shaving or smeared makeup along the jawline. 

No More Foggy Mirrors

One of the best features of LED lighted mirrors is the anti-fog function. Gone are the days of hopping out of the shower to find a mirror covered in fog. These mirrors defog themselves and allow instant use, even in a steam-filled room. You’d be hard-pressed to find a hotel guest or apartment tenant who wouldn’t appreciate that feature. 

A Space-Saving, Modern Look

Mirrors with LED lights come in a variety of shapes and sizes that can be fitted to any space. They’re great for small bathrooms because you don’t have to find space on the wall for both a mirror and a light fixture. The all-in-one design is space-saving, and also offers a sleek and modern look to any bathroom or powder room. 

Call Superior Commercial Solutions Today

Are you ready to upgrade your commercial space with LED mirrors? Superior Commercial Solutions is here to help! Our team of design experts can recommend a lighting experience to help the bathrooms in your hotel, apartment complex, office, and more make a statement. We offer various LED backlighting, side-lighting options, and mirrors in custom sizes to best suit your needs. We also provide commercial countertops, cabinets, faucets, and sinks. We are located near Salt Lake City, Utah, and work on commercial projects across the United States. Schedule a design consultation today!