Leader in the multi-family cabinet/ quartz counter top industry

Are LED Mirrors a Bright Idea?

The task of choosing a bathroom mirror used to be as simple as picking the size and shape, but LED mirrors are changing the game. But what are lighted mirrors, and what sets them apart from a standard mirror? Are they really worth the cost? Here’s everything you need to know.

What Are LED Mirrors

An LED mirror is a mirror that contains LED light bulbs, lighting up the surface. The lights can be arranged in different ways on the mirror for varying appearances. Some are backlit so you can’t see the actual lights on the surface of the mirror. Others are embedded inside of the mirror to create a light strip around the edges or down the sides.

The purpose of LED mirrors is to eliminate the need for both a mirror and a light fixture above bathroom vanities. They are space-saving so they can work in even the smallest hotel bathrooms, and they offer a sleek, modern appearance. 

Features of LED Mirrors

LED lighted mirrors aren’t your standard mirrors. They come with a whole slew of special features. Some of the most popular include:

  • Anti-fog and steam-free function so they don’t cloud up after a hot shower or bath
  • Varying color temperatures and light brightness so they can be adjusted to personal preferences
  • Built-in smart speakers and Bluetooth connectivity
  • Automatic night lights in any color and brightness
  • Touch sensors to turn lights on or off
  • Increased clarity and even light distribution help reduce shadows for personal grooming
  • Smart digital displays showing the time and outside temperature

Why Choose LED Mirrors For Your Commercial Space?

An LED mirror can transform the bathrooms in your apartment complex, senior living facility, or hotel. Here are some of the best reasons to choose LED lighted mirrors for your commercial project:

  • They save on energy. LED light bulbs use significantly less energy than standard incandescent lightbulbs, and they last up to 25 times longer. 
  • You can get them in a variety of sizes and shapes to fit the style and design of the bathrooms in your facility. 
  • They are space-saving since you don’t need both a vanity mirror and a light fixture. Combine them both into one and you’ll put fewer holes in the wall and you don’t have to worry about fitting a light fixture in small spaces. 
  • LED lighted mirrors are a long-term purchase. You can expect them to last anywhere from 10 to 45 years!

Superior Commercial Solutions Is Here

When it comes to LED mirrors for commercial spaces, Superior Commercial Solutions offers the very best. Our expert team of designers will help create something perfectly unique, practical, and visually appealing for your facility. We also provide custom countertops, cabinets, sinks, faucets, and more to hotels, multifamily units, senior living facilities, apartment complexes, and other commercial projects. We are located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and work on projects across the United States. See what Superior Commercial Solutions has to offer. Schedule your consultation today!